Between May 1 and December 31 of 2023, benefit of a 20% discount on our circuit on phone Quebec City Nightlife! by presenting the display of this special Destination Québec Cité offer at the reception of the ilot des Palais.
La vie nocturne à Québec!, is our brand new circuit on phone. With the help of a map of Old-Quebec on your cell phone, find our 15 points hidden in the streets of Quebec City and Saint-Roch district who will give you access to story and anecdote of the bars and special places in town. It’s on a quiz form with some answer who are hiding near you that you will take contact with the past. A free drink is waiting for you at the Korrigane microbrewery. Also, the microbrewery La Barberie is giving you a 20% discount on your first drink. Other surprises in coming…
Tarifs: 16$/ADULT – 5$ / 17 years old and younger
Includes a signature glass and coaster of 100 years of nightlife in Quebec City.