July - August 2024
Open every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- The Escape Backpack: The Last Intendant's Treasure ***Available from August
- Geocaching with GPS in Old Quebec
+ Castles, Palaces, Prisons...
+ New France: In the Time of Intendants
+ Old Quebec UNESCO: Heritage and Archaeology
+ On the beer road (with beer tasting)
- Exhibition''Révélations"
- Immersive exhibition 100 Years of Nightlife in Quebec City : Bars' Stories
- Exhibition ''Here, we brewed beer !''
- Seek and Find in the vaults
+ The Archaeology Seek and Find
+ The Art and Architecture Seek and Find
+ The Intendant's Seek and Find (History)
September 2024
From September 2nd, open from Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- The Escape Backpack: The Last Intendant's Treasure
- Geocaching with GPS in Old Quebec
+ Castles, Palaces, Prisons...
+ New France: In the Time of Intendants
+ Old Quebec UNESCO: Heritage and Archaeology
+ On the beer road (with beer tasting)
- Exhibition''Révélations"
- Immersive exhibition 100 Years of Nightlife in Quebec City : Bars' Stories
- Exhibition ''Here, we brewed beer !''
- Seek and Find in the vaults
+ The Archaeology Seek and Find
+ The Art and Architecture Seek and Find
+ The Intendant's Seek and Find (History)